cello soundtrack for the ASWAT commission by the visual-artist Alia Hamaoui devised with Will Pegna and Raheel Khan on March 30, 2024 read review here
'un excersisi obert' a presentation new compositions and sketches of an upcoming project, combining field recordings, voice, electronics with an ensemble of three cellists (Anna Llorens, Laura Mendoza and herself) on the March 30, 2024 at the Modern Contemporary Art Museum of Barcelona. listen here to live recording 1 
interjections on the future radio piece commissioned by Short Cuts & Falling Trees Productions airing on BBC Radio 4 February 13, 2024 listen back here 
you go, once before written for four cellos and voice, commissioned by British Music Collection, Sound and Music and Heritage Quay. presented in Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield on the 15th of November 2023 and acquired into the Heritage Quay archive February 28th, 2024.  listen here
sol de nit . written for symphony orchestra in 2022 . recorded at Bratislava Symphony Orchestra at Slovak Radio Station, commissioned by Charlotte Scobie . listen here 
atone. written for wind ensemble in 2022 . recorded with ESMUC Wind Ensemble at the Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya, Barcelona 
fantasia. written for symphony orchestra in 2022 . listen here  
lesser gods of the sea. sound piece commissioned by Radio Paleis Maashaven and Sculpture International Rotterdam, aired on Operator Radio in 2021 . listen here
mother prays, father weeps. sound piece commissioned by Delfina Foundation, aired on Radio Alhara for the Sonic Liberation Front series in 2020 . listen here
promise land. composition presented at Exeter Respect Festival 2019, nominated by Dr. Katie Natanel 

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